Classic Architectural Group unveils Instant Grab Adhesive – CA290.

VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA June 22, 2018, Classic Architectural Group which designs, manufactures, supplies and installs innovative pedestrian access solutions across 4 continents, announced today the launch of its new accessory product – CA290 – an instant grab adhesive for industrial applications.

Classic Adhesive (CA290) is a high quality instant grab polymer adhesive designed for the building and construction industry. The product is odourless and silicone, solvent, phthalate, PVC and isocyanide free. Its high durability with good weathering and water resistance, make it the product of choice for most applications at a construction site.

” The best thing about the CA290 glue…” said one installer, “…it is cures with humidity, and it grabs super-fast! It saves so much time, and therefore saves me money”

“This offering is in line with our efforts to make the access issues of our customers disappear. Coincidently, its inception can be credited directly to our customers who, as part of our quarterly feedback program, informed us of their issues with product installations and the need for a fast-acting adhesive at a competitive price.”, said Garth McAlpin, Director, Operations and Product Development at Classic Architectural Group.

“We wanted to provide a viable solution to our customers. With CA290, we provide them with a tool that not only saves time for them but also addresses a number of application issues, including having just one adhesive solution, irrespective of the substrate that its applied on,” added Leigh McAlpin, Director, Business Development at Classic Architectural Group

For more information on CA290 and its application, please visit or call us at 1300 244 377.

About Classic Architectural Group

Classic Architectural Group is widely accepted as Australia’s premium supplier of architectural entrance matting systems, floor safety products, skate deterrents and car park safety solutions. Being leaders in our field of expertise, we have an extensive array of products, and are continuously expanding and refining our range to challenge the status quo of today’s innovations. Our ‘can do’ approach to demanding projects and our commitment to keep at the forefront of the evolving needs of our industry is what our clients appreciate. For more information on the Company, its products and services, please visit or call us at 1300 244 377.

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