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Safety first with CA290.

CA Adheasive Closeup

Whether it be a small task at home, or a multi-million dollar construction project, we all strive to achieve the best, most durable outcome when affixing to a surface. Finding the right adhesive to ensure the safety of others so that it stays where it’s meant to stay is always hard – and driving up to your local hardware store to purchase something from the shelf may not have the longevity of a quality product.

With adhesives and sealants coming in different forms, they can potentially pose safety risks to workers in the form of fires and explosions, or health risks due to their chemical properties. Classic Architectural Group realised the importance of having something safe in their range that they can rely on and be proud to put their name to, and that’s where their own branded product called the CA290 Sealant/Adhesive originated.

The CA290 is a high quality industrial instant grab polymer adhesive designed for the building and construction industry. Water resistant and highly durable, it can withstand temperatures as low as -40°C up to 100°C, UV resistance, weathering, moisture and chlorine; and while it retains elasticity, it can instantly grab up to 200kg vertically per sqm and 1000kg horizontally per sqm.

Easy to apply in the 290ml cartridge and ready for immediate use for internal and external applications, it can be applied to almost any surfaces in a heavy-duty applicator caulking gun.

Can be applied to:

  • Aluminium
  • Bricks
  • Cement Fibre
  • Ceramic
  • Concrete
  • Glass/mirror
  • MDF
  • Metals
  • Most plastics
  • Plasterboard
  • Polystyrene
  • Stainless steel
  • Stone
  • Timber

It is not recommended for application on PE, PP, PC, PMMA, PTFE, Teflon, neoprene, bituminous surfaces or for continual water immersion and expansion joints.

Utilising the adhesive eliminates the need for unsightly fixings or tiresome clamping and propping, especially in those areas where clamping is not physically feasible. Not to mention the fact that it significantly reduces labour time as well – no waiting around!

To get the best performance from CA290, it is important that the substrates are clean, dust free and dry, that it is applied at a 90° angle in straight lines with the V-shaped grove facing up for triangular beads to come out of the supplied V-shaped nozzle. Using standard silicone nozzles with a small outlet will not produce the desired outcome as the product has a high viscosity and requires the larger nozzle.

After application of the adhesive, press the glued material to the desired surface firmly for just 2 seconds.

CA290 Application Process
CA290 Application Process

With the importance to our own safety as well, the adhesive is completely odourless and does not include isocyanate, solvent, phthalate, PVC or silicone. Usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling – always wear gloves and eye protection during application and refilling and then wash hands before eating, drinking and leaving the workplace. No respiratory protection is required when handling in well-ventilated areas.

Saving money by not having contractors standing around until the adhesive sets and knowing that in a year, or even 10 years, you won’t have to worry about someone tripping over a hazard that has unstuck from the original surface, it makes sense to go with the best.

For more information on the CA290 sealant/adhesive, including the Material Safety Data Sheet, contact Classic Architectural Group on 1300 244 377 or click here to go directly to the product page.

Extract from Flooring Australia & New Zealand – Feb/Mar 2020 issue

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