405 Bourke St.

The 40 level building reaches approximately 167 metres high and offers 66,000m2 of Grade A office accommodation with Premium Grade services, Targeting 5 Star Green Star and 5 Star NABERS environmental performance. The tower provides immediate access to Melbourne’s laneway network and retail core, and provide state-of-the-art end of trip facilities, as well as an outdoor roof terrace on the top floor. The ground plane has been configured to allow easy access to the front of house facilities in the lower levels, and exclusive access via an elevated lobby space accessed off Bourke Street.

  • Office
  • Victoria
  • Multiplex
  • Woods Bagot
  • Multiplex

Products Used.

Entrance Matting

Verse R200

Suitable for high traffic applications
Double sided aluminium matting
Interior and exterior use
  •   icon-badge-lifetime-warranty
  •   icon-badge-fire
  •   icon-badge-p5
SH10N_Stainless Steel
Tactile Indicators


Grooved 10 ring top
Rear nylon stud
Interior and exterior use
  •   icon-badge-lifetime-warranty
  •   icon-badge-fire-resistant
  •   icon-badge-p5

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